Instructions to authors

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Aim and Scope

The Journal of Geriatric Neurology (JGN) is a journal of the Korean Society of Geriatric Neurology and is published twice a year on the 15th of June and December. JGN stands for a specialized academic journal that publishes papers on basic and clinical medicine affecting the health of the elderly, focusing on neurological diseases, and related social phenomena and policies.

The online version is considered the canonical version of the journal because all of its content (i.e., including any Supplementary Data) are available to the reader.

Types of Manuscript

JGN publishes Original Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, Letters to the Editor, and Editorials, in addition to articles commissioned by the Editorial Committee. The manuscripts are subject to peer review. Identities of peer reviewers and authors are kept confidential. Final decisions regarding manuscript publication are made by the Editor.

  • Original Articles
    Original Articles include reports on original clinical and translational research and related topics. Although there is no set limit for the length of Original Articles, it is highly recommended that they be no longer than 4,000 words excluding the abstract, tables, figure legends, and references. The Abstract should be no longer than 250 words, and should contain the following headings: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. A combined total of seven figures and tables is allowed; additional tables and figures may be provided as online Supplementary Data.
  • Reviews
    Reviews are usually solicited by the Editor-in-Chief, and are subject to the same review process as the other types of manuscript prior to being accepted for publication. Reviews must have an Abstract, but there is no structured format for it. It is recommended that Reviews have a minimum length of 3,000 words excluding the abstract, tables, figure legends, and references.
  • Case Reports
    The acceptance criteria for Case Reports are very strict, and only reports that make a major clinicopathological or educational contribution or suggest a significant change in a diagnosis or therapy are published. Case Reports should not exceed 1,500 words excluding the abstract, tables, figure legends, and references. Abstracts are required for Case Reports and should be no longer than 150 words.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Letters to the Editor should be no longer than 1,000 words, excluding the title page and references. Only one figure or table is allowed, and subheadings should not be used.
  • Editorials
    Editorials are accepted by invitation only (from the Editor-in-Chief), and are commentaries on timely and important topics. Editorials express the personal views of the authors and do not represent the opinions of JGN or the Korean Society of Geriatric Neurology. Words counts are not limited, and subheadings should not be used.

Review Process

The JGN has on online submission and peer review system at A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. If the manuscript does not fit the aims and scope of the Journal or does not adhere to the Instructions for authors, it may be returned to the author immediately after receipt and without a review. Before reviewing, all submitted manuscripts are inspected by Similarity Check powered by iThenticate (, a plagiarism-screening tool.
Then the manuscript is sent to the chief editor or associate editors for external review. The editor selects peer referees by recommendation of the Editorial Board members or from the Board's specialist database. The reviewers are blinded to the authors’ information. The acceptance criteria for all papers are based on the quality and originality of the research and their clinical and scientific contributions in geriatric neurology. After request for external review, the initial decision is typically made within 8 weeks with the categories of “accept”, “minor revision”, “major revision”, or “reject”. The results of review and the reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail. Revisions are usually requested to take account of criticisms and comments made by referees. The revised manuscript should be resubmitted via the web system. The corresponding author must indicate clearly what alterations have been made in response to the referee's comments point by point.

  • AI Use by Peer Reviewers
    Generative AI tools can lack up-to-date knowledge and may produce nonsensical, biased or false information. Manuscripts may also include sensitive or proprietary information that should not be shared outside the peer review process. For these reasons we ask that, while the journal explores providing our peer reviewers with access to safe AI tools, peer reviewers do not upload manuscripts into generative AI tools. If any part of the evaluation of the claims made in the manuscript was in any way supported by an AI tool, we ask peer reviewers to declare the use of such tools transparently in the peer review report.

Ethical Policy

A submitted manuscript must not be associated with any type of research misconduct, including fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism with intent to deceive by the authors. The Editor-in-Chief will reject a manuscript if research misconduct is suspected. The cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief must declare that a submitted manuscript has neither been published nor is under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere either in its entirety or in part in any language, except in the form of an abstract. The cover letter must also state whether any part of the manuscript contains redundant or duplicate information, defined as text, data, tables, or figures

that overlap substantially with previously published information. Research involving human subjects must comply with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (1964), and manuscripts describing such research must state that informed consent to participate was obtained from the subjects, when appropriate. Manuscripts describing research involving animals must state in the Methods sec- tion that the work was approved by the appropriate Institutional Ethics committee or Review Board. Policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in these instructions are available elsewhere, such as in the “Committee on Publication Ethics” (

  • Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Assisted Technologies
    The journal has adopted policies, as specified by the ICMJE, regarding the use of AI in the preparation of materials intended for publication in the journal. Generative AI, including language models, chatbots, image creators, machine learning, or similar technologies, may be employed to enhance readability and language accuracy in scientific writing. However, chatbots or other AI-assisted technologies cannot be listed as authors.
    Generative AI images: We do not permit the use of generative AI or AI-assisted tools for creating or altering images in submitted manuscripts. Adjustments like brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable if they don't obscure original information. Exceptions apply if AI is integral to the research design or methods, in which case details must be provided in the methods section. Authors should adhere to AI software policies and may be asked for pre-AI-adjusted versions of images for editorial review.
    Declaration of AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process: Authors are required to disclose whether AI-assisted technologies were used in the production of the submitted work at the time of manuscript submission. It must be clearly reported in a dedicated section of the Methods, or in the Acknowledgements section for article types lacking a Methods section. This disclosure should provide details about the specific tools used, including the model name, version, and manufacturer, along with an explanation of the capacity in which they were utilized. Authors should affirm that there is no plagiarism of text or images in materials produced by AI. It is not acceptable to cite AI-generated material as a primary source.


The copyright of published manuscripts is held by the Korean Society of Geriatric Neurology. The authors must remember that the use of data, tables, figures, or videos (except for lectures) published in JGN without written permission of the copyright holder is plagiarism, even if they are taken from the authors’ own manuscripts. This statement is consistent with the “Creative Commons (Attribution- Noncommercial)” code ( The corresponding author must send a signed copyright transfer and author consent form to the Editorial Office by email or fax before manuscripts can be published. Copyright transfer and author consent forms can be downloaded from the JGN online submission page ( The copyright transfer includes images of patients, whether in artwork or video format. The Methods section should state that informed consent for such images to be published was obtained from the involved subjects. Documentation proving this does not have to be sent to the Editorial Office, but it should be kept in case it is requested.

Manuscript Submission

JGN offers authors web-based manuscript submission and peer review at Please review the instructions at the website carefully and take note of the additional instructions provided at the top of each screen of the five-stage submission process. Submit your manuscript and all figures exactly as instructed to avoid rejection or a delay in processing.

Users must register when accessing the JGN online submission system for the first time, by clicking on “Register.” Three steps are involved in obtaining a personal account.

  • ID/Password
    We strongly recommend using your email address as your ID, since this represents a unique and easy-to-remember identifier that will be needed each time you log onto the system (as a reviewer or author). The password will be encrypted for security reasons, and will not be known to any of the JGN staff. A verification message will be emailed to you at the email address you used to register.
  • Profile
    Once you have verified your email address, you will be asked to provide a basic profile consisting of your contact information.
  • Uploading a Manuscript
    Once logged onto the JGN online submission system, click on “Submit a new manuscript.” You will be presented with a series of fields for entering information about your manuscript and uploading the manuscript and any images and supplementary files.
  • The system will automatically convert your files into a single PDF file for the review procedure. You will be asked to approve the converted file before your manuscript is formally accepted for submission to JGN. The conversion process can take up to 30 minutes and an email will be sent informing you when the conversion is complete. Click on “Ready for you to proof” in the author area to check that the manuscript has been converted correctly.
  • You may begin a submission or continue the process at a later date by clicking on “Save/Continue” at the bottom of the screen when entering your manuscript information. This enables you to save that page or continue to the next page. If you choose not to complete the submission during a particular session, your manuscript will appear in the “incomplete submission” queue under “My Manu- script.” Do not submit the same manuscript more than once.
  • After completing the submission, the manuscript number will be sent to the email address specified, and this should be quoted in all subsequent communications. This email notification will be sent after we have confirmed that the format of the submitted manuscript is consistent with the JGN style. Manuscripts that do not conform with this style might be returned to you so that you can correct the style before further review.
  • Supplementary Data
    Supplementary Data are contents (such as raw data, figure, table, and video file) that the authors wish to make available online if the manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • Manuscript Status
    Authors who submit online using the JGN online submission system can keep track of the progress of their manuscript throughout the peer-review process by visiting the JGN online submission page and clicking on “My Manuscript.”
  • Submitting a Revision
    To submit a revised manuscript via the JGN online submission system, click on “Submit a revised manuscript.” You will be present- ed with information about the original version of your manuscript, which should be edited as necessary. You will then be required to upload the files related to the revised version (see “Manuscript Submission” for further details). Please include your point-by-point responses to the reviewer comments and a cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief. In addition, please submit a copy of the revised manu- script indicated new text using red colored type (without a change of the font type or underlining).

Manuscript Preparation

  • General Style
    The manuscript must contain the author information page, title page, Abstract, main text, references, tables, and figure legends, and should be written in English. Margins of 2.5 cm are required on each side. The main text of the manuscript and all tables included in the submission must be provided as Microsoft Word files. The text must be written in double-spaced, 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman, and left-justified only (i.e., the right margin should not be justified). Abbreviations should only be used for terms that are used at least twice, and should be defined separately on first use in both the Abstract and main text. Place the page number in the middle of the bottom of each page from the title page onwards. Any automatic formatting features should be removed before submit- ting the manuscript (e.g., when using EndNote, remove the field codes before submission).
  • Cover Letter
    The cover letter accompanying the manuscript must specify the type of manuscript and include statements on ethical issues and con- flicts of interest, and complete contact information for the corresponding author.
  • Author Information Page
    The author information page should contain all of the following information: manuscript title, full names of all authors and their af- filiations where the work was performed, a running title (less than 50 characters including spaces), and the contact information for the corresponding author including the complete postal address, telephone number, fax number, email address, and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) of all authors. When there are multiple authors with multiple affiliations, these can be referenced using Arabic numerals superscript letters in the order in which they appear (e.g., “1,2,3”). Titles should be short, specific, and informative. Acknowledgements and sources of funding should be stated on this page under appropriate subheadings. All potential conflicts of inter- est of the authors must also be reported on this page.
  • Title Page
    The title page is considered the first page of the manuscript. It should contain the title, running title, number of characters in the title, number of words in the manuscript (excluding references, tables, and figure legends), number of figures, and number of tables. The total number of figures and tables combined should not exceed seven in an Original Article. Do not include author information on the title page for a blind peer review. The author names should not appear on this page.
  • Abstract
    The Abstract must appear on a separate page. All Original Articles must include structured Abstracts that do not exceed 250 words, and be organized under Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, with these subheadings terminated with a colon and in boldface. Abstracts are required for Reviews, but a structured format as required for Original Articles is not necessary. Editorials and Letters to the Editor do not require an abstract. Between three and six keywords should be provided at the end of this page. Important terms can be selected from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of Index Medicus.
  • Main Text
    The main text of an Original Article must be prepared under the following subheadings: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The following rules should be followed for each paragraph: (1) do not indent the first line, (2) separate it from the previous paragraph by a vertical space, and (3) do not include any new-line or new-paragraph marks (except at the end). Do not include any new-page marks in the file. Editorials and Letters to the Editor should not contain subheadings. When preparing “Methods,” ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors). Unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex or gender. If the study involved an exclusive population (only one sex, for example), authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity, and justify their relevance.
  • Author Contributions
    This section should describe what each author has done in the study. To qualify for authorship, all contributors must meet at least one of the seven core contributions by CRediT (conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, data curation), as well as at least one of the writing contributions (original draft preparation, review, and editing). Authors may also satisfy other remaining contributions; however, satisfying these alone will not qualify them for authorship. Author contributions will be published with the final article, and they should accurately reflect contributions to the work. The submitting author is responsible for completing this information at submission, and it is expected that all authors would have reviewed, discussed, and agreed to their in- dividual contributions ahead of this time.
  • Conflicts of Interest
    Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed in this section. If there are no potential conflicts of interest, the following state- ment should be added: “The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.”
  • References
    References should be numbered numerically in the text using [ ] (e.g., [3,7,10–12]), and then listed on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript in the same numerical order. Unpublished data, including manuscripts that have been submitted but not yet accepted for publication, and personal communications may be cited in the text (and must include the initials and surnames of all of the involved people, and the year in which the observation was made), but should not be listed as references. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Journal abbreviations should conform with the style used in the Cumulated Index Medicus ( References with six or fewer authors should list all of them, while those with seven or more authors should list only the first six, followed by “et al.” The endnote reference style for JGN is specified on the journal homepage. References to web-only journals should give authors, article title and journal name as above, followed by URL in full ― or DOI if known ― and the year of publication in parentheses. References to websites should give authors if known, title of cited page, URL in full, and year of posting in parentheses.
      Sample References
    • 1. Journal article:
      Kim SH, Han SW, Kim EH, Kim DJ, Lee KY, Kim DI, et al. Plasma fibrinolysis inhibitor levels in acute stroke patients with thrombolysis failure. J Clin Neurol 2005;1:142–147.
    • 2. Book:
      Wyllie E. The Treatment of Epilepsy. 2nd ed. Williams & Wilkins; 1997;97–98.
    • 3. Book chapter:
      Calne CB, Duvoision RFC, McGeer E. Speculation on the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. In: Hassler RG, Christ JF, editors. Advances in Neurology. 2nd ed. Vol 40. Raven; 1984;353–360.
  • Tables
    Each table and its title should appear on a separate page, and should be provided as a Microsoft Word table in order to ensure correct column alignment. Tables must be cited in numerical order (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) in the main text. Horizontal lines should be used only above and below column headings and at the bottom of a table; vertical lines should not be used at all. All abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in tables. For footnotes, the following symbols should be superscripts and be used in the indicated sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, **, ††, and ‡‡. The significance of observations, as determined by appropriate statistical analyses, must be indicated.
  • Figures
    Figures must also be cited in numerical order (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) in the main text. They must be submitted as separate files saved in JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS, or PPT format (do not embed the figures in the Microsoft Word manuscript file). The minimum resolutions for different image types are line art (an image composed of lines and text), 1,000 dpi; halftone (a continuous-tone photograph that contains no text), 300 dpi; and combined line art and halftone, 600 dpi. As mentioned in the “Copyright” section, photographs of recognizable persons should be accompanied by signed releases from them or their legal guardians authorizing publication. Figure leg- ends must appear on a separate page at the end of the manuscript file. All color figures will be reproduced in full color in the online edition of JGN at no cost to authors, but the complete cost of reproducing color figures in the printed version of the journal will be charged to the authors, at $200 for each page containing any color figures.

Accepted Manuscripts: Materials Required for Publication

  • Proofs and Reprints
    Proofs must be returned within 48 hours of receipt; late return might delay the publication of a manuscript. Please check the text, tables, figure legends, and references very carefully. To expedite publication, page proofs (rather than galley proofs) will be sent electronically to the corresponding author. Substantial alterations by the authors other than the correction of printing errors might incur additional charges.

Journal of Geriatric Neurology
Print ISSN : 2799-4090
Online ISSN: 2799-4104
  • 7,138 Numb chin syndrome as the first manifestation of an advanced metastatic cancer
    3,905 Elderly care system of Sweden
    2,183 Long-term care services for the elderly and the brain lesion disability system in South Korea
    1,525 A case of refractory myasthenia gravis in the elderly demonstrating remission following rituximab therapy
    2,582 Comprehensive insight into common urinary problems in older adults



    • GoogleScholar
    • Similarity Check
    • Crossref Cited-by Linking
    • CrossMark
    • Funder Registry
    • ORCID

Editorial Office
#1111, Daeil Bldg, 12, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03163, Korea
Tel: +82-2-720-3982    E-mail:                

Copyright © 2025 by Korean Society of Geriatric Neurology.

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